A major behavioural issue since the COVID-19 pandemic, separation anxiety occurs when your dog becomes very anxious when left alone. Signs of separation anxiety include:
- excessive barking, whining and howling
- destroying furniture, shredding curtains etc
- inappropriate toileting
- self inflicted injuries trying to escape (breaking through windows, scratching doors, paw injuries from chewing its paws)
What the Package Includes:
Consult 1: This first 1 hour consists of meeting with you and your dog to allow us to fully understand your dog’s behaviour, any previous training and triggers (30mins). A dog training session with you and your dog is then to teach you the building blocks to ease your dog’s separation anxiety and developing your personalised dog training program (30 mins). Notes will be provided to you after your consultation.
Consults 2 & 3: Both are 1 hour dog training sessions with your dog. Reviewing progress and modifying your personalised program. Providing advice and assistance with in depth one on one training. Notes will be provided to you after your consultation.
Consult 4: Reinforce the training techniques we have been using and provide you with the tools to continue your training. Notes are provided to you after your consultation.
Separation Anxiety Package Cost:
$1,095 for the 4x 1 hour consults
$200 per consult for additonal dogs
* all prices are including GST
Further sessions can be booked if required.
Zoom Training is available at $499 for 4x 30 min consults
For any aggression issues, please book an Aggression Package